CBC 2023

FRIDAY 1st to



This is the 13th National Crystal Blues Challenge, and each year we are blown away by the atmosphere at this event, created by the attitudes of all those who attend...

We believe that this is the most supportive and inclusive of any event that has an element of competition attached to it.

From Day One our aim was to create an occasion where we, as dancers, could collectively enjoy and appreciate the talent and efforts of our fellow dancers – at whatever stage of their dance journey they are currently at. And you guys have risen to that challenge in all the best ways!

Modern Blues is a dance of connection, between two partners and the music!

It is a dance that demands both partners give their all to each other, as they are driven to strive for the ultimate in connection, flair and creativity. Each moment directed by music that demands to be danced to.

It can be intimate and introspective or flamboyant and expressive, it can be as dramatic as it is heart-rending and it all depends upon the music played.

So as an audience we are gifted with a unique opportunity to feast upon the most beautiful moments of connection as a spectator invited to enjoy and appreciate.

Yes, we do get to choose the couples that we feel reflect the dance the best in each category on the day - from a position of uplifting appreciation. All the while acknowledging the courage it takes for our fellow dancers to come forward and to dance for their peers to enjoy.

What a joy and a privilege that is!


The weekend at a glance

Friday Evening – 8pm 'til 1am

Everything starts on Friday. No competitions, no pressure, just a chance to meet up with and enjoy all your favourite dancers and make a whole bunch of new friends.

Traditionally lots of people choose to enter competitions on Saturday and Sunday with people that they meet on Friday evening! 

We’ve got two rooms playing some of your favourite tracks (and some new favourites too) so relax and enjoy the evening!

Saturday Evening – 8pm 'til 1am (with presentations at 9:30pm)

On Saturday night we’ll be dancing through until 1am. Two rooms, lots of choice and variety and everyone in the zone after a fabulous day at CBC.

At 9:30pm we take a short break to celebrate all those who have taken part in competitions during the day. We even get a chance to see our winners in action very briefly!

Sunday evening – 7:00pm 'til 11pm (with presentations at 8:30pm)

This is the last Hurrah of the weekend! Where we celebrate everything we love about this dance we do.

New friendships, dances shared, crystals won, our best given and memories made.

Before we go our merry ways and look forward to the next time…

Daytime Dancing – from 9:30am on Saturday and Sunday

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that you only get to dance in the evenings!

Oh no! This is an event run by Blues dancers FOR Blues dancers!  So we know that it is all about the dancing…

From 9:30am the doors will be open.  Breakfast will be available and our Kitchen Queens will have full control of the music until our first DJ takes over at 10am! So if you’re looking for fab food, lots of fun and, quite likely, some McFly – this is your dream come true! Lunch and cake will be available later in the day. And when I say cake, I mean serious amounts of seriously good cake! So many to choose from and all home-made!   

From 10am (after they have had breakfast) our DJs will be ready to do their thing!

There is nothing quite like sharing daytime dances with like-minded souls – and we make sure we create as much opportunity to keep everyone on the floor as possible.

This is one BIG freestyle event – interspersed with the opportunities to enjoy our fellow dancers as they allow us to share in their moment in the centre.

  • FRIDAY (Evening)

    8pm til 1am

  • SATURDAY (day)

    9:30 – Kitchen Queens Mega Mix

    10:00 - Time for dancing

    10:30 - BeSwitched Challenge 

    Centre Stage

    12:00 - Debut Blues Challenge 

    Immediately followed by:

    Dance Like Sara White is Watching

    Centre Stage

    13:30 - Blues is Blues is Blues Challenge

    Centre Stage

    15:15 - Funkified Blues Challenge

    Centre Stage 

    17:00 - Best-of-Luck Challenge 

    Please note: all timings subject to change – especially Best of Luck! 

  • SATURDAY (evening)


  • SUNDAY (day)

    9:30 – Kitchen Queens  Breakfast Mega Mix

    10:00 - Time for dancing

    10:30 - Beat Up Blues Challenge

    Centre Stage

    11:45 - Fundamentally Blues Challenge

    Centre Stage

    13:15 - Bluest Blues

    Centre Stage

    15:00 - Ultimate Challenge

    16:30 - Best-of-Luck Challenge 

    Please note: all timings subject to change – especially Best of Luck! 

  • SUNDAY (evening)


The Dance Categories!

This year we return with a full line-up of our favourite challenges designed to celebrate our shared love of this dance we do!

What's more, we're bringing back Centre Stage!

  • BEST OF LUCK (Sat & Sun)


    Leads and follows are randomly paired - open to all as individual entries. 

    No partner required to enter this category as we'll match you up during the competition.

    (Note that the Saturday and Sunday competitions are separate - you can enter either, or both).


    Debut Blues

    A category for all those who are in the earlier stages of their Modern Blues journey!

    To enter this category you must have been dancing Modern Blues for two years or less (you may well have danced other styles for longer).

    You cannot enter if you have been a teacher, demo or DJ (for any style of dance).


    Fundamentally Blues

    Modern Blues dance is based on some core fundamentals. 

    It's music led. It's based on connection between lead and follow. It's primarily a dance of close hold. With those basics in place, we can take pieces from other dance styles and use them to enhance our dance.

    This competition will focus on the fundamentals - those components that, when mastered, make dance 'wow'. Close Hold. Connection. Close hold travel. Pivots. Musicality. The building blocks of our dance. 

    ...And to demonstrate the beauty of simplicity – we are going to provide you with just 4 simple moves. You’ll then use these to create a musical, stylish and creative dance.

    (Open to all)


    Funkified Blues

    A chance for us to really celebrate and enjoy a beautiful merging of the funkier side of music and the joy of lead/follow partner dancing.

    (An ‘open-to-all’ category - Previous winners and competitors welcome.)


    Beat-up Blues (over 60’s)

    Both partners must be aged 60 or over at the time of competing. Beyond that, it's up to you to find your musical expression in the shared dance.


    Blues is Blues Is Blues

    For us, Modern Blues is all about letting the music guide your dance... What is happening in this particular moment of the music that encourages you to move..?

    It is usual in a competition for you to get two pieces of music to dance to, in order to show your connection, your range, your technique, your style etc - but for this challenge, we are going to give you three pieces of music!

    There'll be a shorter time for each piece, but each selection of music will require a clearly different response from you and your partner.

    (An ‘open-to-all’ category)


    Bluest Blues

    This category is designed to bring us back to the core of our dancing. In Bluest Blues our attention will be focused on the heart of Modern Blues - movement and musicality in close hold and intimate close hold. Finding the soul of the dance and allowing the partnership of lead and follow to be fully expressed. 

    You can transition from close-hold, to reverse hold and back again - but the greatest proportion of the dance must be in close hold. Expect the music for this category to be sultry, sexy, fluid and sensuous. 

    (An ‘open-to-all’ category - Previous winners and competitors welcome.)



    Modern Blues is a dance of lead and follow - but what if we switch around who's leading and who's following? 

    BeSwitched gives you a chance to exchange the lead back and forth between the two of you to create something new, fun and stylish. 

    We're looking for everything that makes a blues dance special, plus smooth and clear transitions between lead and follow for this playful competition.

    (Open to all)


    Ultimate Challenge

    This category is all about musical challenge. The music is selected to test and stretch you and is likely to be music previously unheard in most dance venues and is designed to focus on the challenge aspect of the category! 

    Please be aware that the music for this category may not be exclusively ‘Blues’. Being able to respond spontaneously to new music as it unveils is the key to success in this category. 

    (An ‘open-to-all’ category - Previous winners and competitors welcome.)


    Dance like Sara White is Watching!

    We're bringing it back!

    And Sara White will be judging it again! 

    So what will she be looking for?

    All the things, that for her, make Modern Blues dancing special... 

    The connection to music and to each other, the interesting close hold dynamic between partners, the energy control and passion and drama and magic, the technique and style that a Sara White class is all about...! 

    So... book your individual space and Dance like Sara White is Watching - cos she really really is! (An ‘open-to-all’ category)


The Judging Criteria

Please remember, Blues is not a ‘performance’ dance, so join us in sharing the privilege of watching as dancers invite us to share in their moment…

For us, Modern Blues dancing is a music-led, lead/follow partner dance that incorporates and includes movement in both close-hold and at extension.

We celebrate the joy that is to be found in spontaneously choreographing the dance to the music as it plays, focussing on the interplay between lead and follow and music.

We feel that Modern Blues dancing isn't constrained by the style of music or by the style of dance but becomes a glorious amalgamation of all aspects of partner dance.

When judging a dance we would expect to see appropriate time spent in close-hold and potentially at extension - depending on musical style and category. (Close-hold can vary between ‘open’ and ‘intimate’ styles of close-hold and may or may not include travel as well as more rooted, on-the-spot movement).

And remember that while Modern Blues can incorporate elements of Tango, WCS, Modern Jive and more, in this competition we would expect the emphasis to be on what makes for Modern Blues dance – an emphasis on musicality and close-hold at the core of the dance.


    Are the dancers listening for, and responding to, the changes within the music (e.g. breaks, pauses, tempo change, accents)?

    Do they make effective use of dynamics, time/half time/double time, pause, call & response and so on?

    Does the style of the dance match the style of the music?


    Are the moves/movements appropriate to the music in terms of genre, feel and so on..?

    Are the dancers taking account of the vocals, lyrics, instrumentation etc?


    Do the styles gel and complement each other and the music?

    Is the leader leading and the follower following the lead?

    Is there an excess of unsolicited styling?

    Are both partners combining to create a partnership that does justice to the music, or working in opposition?


    Are the dancers in touch with the music and with each other, creating a synergy where, when musically appropriate, two become as one?

    Is the lead forecast in an obvious way, or so subtle that it seems that the follow is reading the lead's mind – but without anticipation or back-leading?


    Are the lines of both dancers visually pleasing?

    Are flourishes and styling additions appropriate or distracting?


    Are the dancers competent in both close-hold and extension?

    Do they use lead/follow techniques effectively and fluidly? Do they utilise the basics as well employing skills displaying a good degree of technical difficulty?

Our Judges

Crystal Blues is run BY Blues dancers, FOR Blues dancers.  ...and our judging team reflects this ethos!

Carefully chosen from the social dancefloor, these are all people who believe in Modern Blues as a social dance.

In line with our desire to keep things fresh and ever-evolving at CBC, we think that it is important to bring fresh eyes to our judging team from time to time too.

These are people with a hugely wide range of dance influences and who bring with them a diverse and comprehensive experience of Modern Blues.

...And they are prepared to work tirelessly to judge with care, integrity and complete impartiality.

These are dancers who all have a passion for good, strong dance technique and a clear comprehension of all the individual elements that make up Modern Blues.

These are the individuals entrusted to see beyond the obvious, and into the minutiae of the dance. To understand the complexities of musicality and to appreciate the subtleties of connection.

Our judging team, Sungy, Maja, Craig and Paul understand that Modern Blues is not necessarily a performance dance and so they don’t expect our couples to become performers. They will engage in the opportunity to look beneath the surface and appreciate the finer arts of musicality, connection, lead and follow, music-led styling and more.


    I love blues!  Big Time.

    I've trained (and competed) in both Latin and Ballroom (both locally and nationally), and I'm a qualified Jive instructor; but Blues is where my heart is.

    Feeling the music and emotion, immersing myself in the moment and embracing the connections made on the dance floor...I simply can't get enough of it.

    Do you feel it too? 

    • The way music can move your body
    • Those ‘how did that happen?’ moments
    • The joy of nailing that break?

    Wow!..  I have shivers already.

    I am proud of my history with Crystal Blues, and have judged many times.

    I can't wait to return!


    I have been dancing modern jive and blues for over 20 years.

    My main passion has always been weekenders and multi hour freestyle dances.  In a freestyle, I feel I zone out into the music and dance by feeling the music rather than by thought.

    I feel extremely privileged to have been invited to judge at Crystal Blues. I have known Sara for at least 20 years, and we have danced through so many all-night or late night blues room sessions.

    It is an absolute joy to observe the competitors morphing into the rhythms and beats of the music at Crystal  Blues.

    It is a pleasure to see dancers who aspire to achieve their potential in a friendly competitive  environment.

    I can't wait to get back there in October.


    Maja has earned recognition for her distinctive latin style and magnetic stage presence. Audiences are captivated by her performances, and her ability to engage and connect with the crowd is unparalleled.

    Maja has a wealth of experience in Ceroc & Blues dancing and is a true inspiration to aspiring dancers everywhere.

    • With over 20 years of experience in the dance world
    • Recognition and respect as renowned owner of Ceroc Addiction
    • A founder member of Northern Champs,
    • An inspiring teacher and a long standing judge across Ceroc and Blues scene,
    • and a familiar face on the Ceroc Escape weekender circuit

    ... Maja's passion for (and contribution to) dance is undeniable.


    I have been dancing modern jive and blues for close to 20 years. 

    You will mostly find me at weekend freestyles in the smoother music rooms where expressive dance conversations can be had, where feeling the music can take you to a more serene experience.

    I have been extremely blessed to compete at Crystal blues over the many years as well as Dj as well as teach with Sara. I feel extremely privileged to be asked back to judge for my second year by Sara.

    Crystal blues is one of my favourite times of the year, to feel and see the warmth and joy brought by dancers from all over the country to this competition is something special and not to be missed. 

    It is an absolute pleasure to see all the competitors take to the dance floor and strive to take home one of the coveted crystal trophies in one of the most friendliest competitions I’ve have ever attended.

    I can’t wait to see you all in October.


    And let us not forget that YOU are part of our judging team.

    Every person who attends Crystal Blues becomes a part of our Voting Audience – collectively becoming one judge.

    Each individual vote matters.

    Oooh, so much power and influence!

    You are the dancers – your opinion matters.





Our DJ's

So let me introduce you to our team of amazing DJs, who will not only be playing fabulous music for you to freestyle to all weekend – they are responsible for finding the perfect tracks for all of the Challenges too!

That’s a lot of pressure!

But these guys are the best of the best, so they are really looking forward to the challenge of being your Crystal Blues Challenge DJs.

Crystal Blues is a two-room event so you’ll get to enjoy music from all of our DJs over the course of the weekend.

Our main room will be Modern Blues focussed with all the music you already know you love to dance to – as well as treats that our DJs have spent hours and hours over months and months sourcing for you.

In our second room you’ll be offered sets specific to different influences, such as AltTango, Expressive, Funky, Alternative Blues and more.

It’s all about the music!

  • SARA


    Morris, aka Revdrop, has been DJ’ing at Crystal Blues ever since it started.  He is known throughout the modern-blues and expressive world as a DJ who likes to play tracks at the more challenging end of the spectrum.

    Of course, he gets to do that in the extreme at Crystal Blues, being responsible for creating the most challenging tracks in the modern-blues/modern-jive competition world for our ‘Ultimate Challenge’ category.  

    Here you will find unique tracks which audiences love to watch dancers dancing to, and dancers love to enjoy the challenge of (though sometimes retrospectively! Lol!).  

    Morris loves the atmosphere at Crystal, and there’s loads of freestyle time over the weekend, where he’ll be playing a few less challenging sets, and doing a lot of dancing too!  😊 .

  • MYRA

    Myra is Blues Nites resident DJ.

    After winning the first Crystal Blues DJ Challenge in 2011. She's seen the event get bigger every year, watched memorable performances and seen dancers literally find their feet at

    this laid-back, supportive and friendly competition event. 

    As a DJ, Myra tries to find 'interesting' music to

    dance to, in terms of genre, mood, energy and lyrics. Interpreting the music can be both exciting and challenging for dancers however she wants them to enjoy themselves whether they are competing, social dancing or relaxing at the event.


    I have many years of experience behind the decks, playing vinyl, CD’s and now from laptops.

    I enjoy all genres of music, but have a particular love of modern blues and expressive. 

    I absolutely love playing music for dancers, and still get a real buzz seeing people enjoy what I am playing and expressing that on the dance floor.

  • MATT






The Sets



    20:00 - 21:00 Matt

    21:00 - 22:00 Myra 

    22:00 - 23:00 Morris 

    23:00 - 00:00 Sara 

    00:00 - 01:00 Graham


    21:00 - 22:00 Graham - Expressive Blues 

    22:00 - 23:00 Alan - Tango Blues 

    23:00 - 00:00 Myra - Blues Emotion 



    20:00 – 21:30 Graham 

    21:30 - 22:00 Presentations 

    22:00 - 23:00 Morris 

    23:00 - 00:00 Sara 

    00:00 - 01:00 Myra


    20:30 – 21:30 Matt - Unconditional Blues 

    21:30 - 22:00 Closed for Presentations 

    22:00 - 23:00 Myra - Tango Blues 

    23:00 - 00:00 Morris - Expressive Blues  



    19:00 - 20.30 Matt

    20.30 - 21:00 Presentations 

    21:00 - 22:00 Morris 

    22:00 - 23:00 Myra 

The Team

As well as our DJs, and our judges, we are blessed with an efficient, effective and allround amazing team of people who ensure that Crystal Blues runs smoothly.

  • These are the smiley people who meet you at the door…
  • Who organise your competition paperwork and do the maths…
  • Who collect in the Crystals when you vote and ensure they are counted…
  • Who help you to find a partner to compete with…
  • Who look out for you…
  • Who resolve every issue way before it can become a problem…
  • Who are always on hand with healing hugs to calm your nerves…

    Here is your Crystal Blues Team  

    Tim, Debs, Zareh, Rachel and Laura 


    It’s all about the Crystals at Crystal Blues!!

    From the voting to the prize giving.

    And none of that would happen without our wonderful Crystal Ladies!

    Throughout the entire weekend, these lovely ladies quietly and unobtrusively make the magic happen. They make sure that everyone in the voting audience has their voting crystal at the start of each round and then gather them in and do the all-important counting.

    As well as that, they also ensure there is a general sense of smoothness, well-being and glamour about the whole event. And wash up, tidy up and keep the kettle boiling…phew!

    We’re also lucky to have John on the team who simply gets on with doing what needs doing – washing up, tidying up, helping out… thanks John!


    Food will be available to purchase on both Saturday and Sunday. 

    Breakfast will start at 9:30am am and is delicious!  Our fabulous catering team will be serving bacon sandwiches, mini eggy omelettes, toast etc as well as tea/coffee. 

    Lunch will be available from 12 – 2:30 with home-made soup, sandwiches and more to choose from. 

    Tea/coffee and cakes will be available right up until 5pm each day. 

    It is a fact that people reserve slices of Lemon Tart a whole year in advance! 

    Personally, I’m all about the home-made soup. And the cake! Definitely the cake! 


    *For those with food intolerances please be aware that food is made and prepared in a kitchen where cross contamination is actively avoided but cannot be guaranteed.  There will be VLG (very low gluten) options available but if you are allergic you would be best to bring your own food. 















Useful Information

We hope this covers everything else, but please do not hesitate to speak to any member of the team for assistance.

Alternatively, please do hesitate to reach out to me.


    As usual there will be NO BAR at Crystal Blues. 

    But you are very welcome to bring your own drinks. 

    We will have water available for you in the evenings, and you can purchase tea and coffee during the day – but do please bring your own alcoholic drinks with you if you want them. 

    There is a local shop near by that will happily sell you a wide range of alcoholic beverages at good prices if you forget to stock up before you arrive. 

    We only have one favour to ask…  We would very much prefer if you bring your own cups etc for your own drinks and we do ask that you take your empties away with you for recycling.   cribe the item or answer the question so that site visitors who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links.


    This year we welcome back Jenny.

    Jenny will be taking photos throughout the day, and she'll stop at nothing to make sure all of our dancers look fab! 



    Buckden Village Hall (PE19 5UY) has a large on-site carpark – but with the large numbers attending the event, this can get very full.

    Please park as closely and as considerately as possible to get maximum use from the space available.

    Buckden itself is a small village, and there is plenty of free on-street parking – but we do ask that you DO NOT park on the street in Burberry Rd itself. (The street leading to the hall)

    There will be cones in place – please don’t move them.  Our future at the hall depends on maintaining good and positive relationships with the people living nearby. The local school has offered us an additional 18 spaces and is less than a 3-minute walk away too.


    Please note: there are no facilities at Buckden Village Hall for charging electric vehicles.

    However, there are chargers at the local garages as well as a number in the local towns.


    We've got volunteers available to accompany you to your car if you're going to be on your own - helping you get home safely.

    They'll be wearing purple 'Walk to Car' badges and of course you can always approach any of our team. Just ask and they’ll be glad to walk you to your car.

    This is a wonderful safe dance world we live in, and we just want to share some of that and help make the world a better place for all of us.


    This year we are fortunate to have the services of Rob Docherty offering neck and shoulder massages and foot massages to shake out all those cramps and aches.

    Book in with Rob directly or with the team on the main desk.


Lead OR Follow Lead AND Follow


Lead OR Follow Lead AND Follow
SATURDAY ONLY - 09:30 - 1am £35 £65
SUNDAY ONLY - 09:30 - 11pm £32 £60


Lead OR Follow Lead AND Follow
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